
  • To provide relief to distressed persons
  • To provide a mission to the sick and terminally sick
  • To assist in the relief of the problems of mental illness


  • To provide relief to distressed persons
  • To provide a mission to the sick and terminally sick
  • To assist in the relief of the problems of mental illness

About Us

Anglican Health & Welfare (AHW) plays a major role in the Diocese of Tasmania. AHW is an incorporated public company, fully owned by the Diocese and founded in 1985. It manages a number of funds for the church, the bulk of which originated with the sale of St John’s Hospital in Hobart and St Luke’s Hospital in Launceston.

Their primary role is the wise investment of the funds, currently around four million dollars and the distribution of the income from these funds to parishes and other church bodies, aimed at enhancing the capacity of the church to respond to need and distress in the Tasmanian community.

All grants must be used for projects which complement at least one of AH&W’s objects, which relate as the name implies to the fields of health and welfare, reflecting the original source of the funds from the sale of two Anglican hospitals. Broadly the objectives cover activities designed to assist people in need, including those in distressed circumstances, the sick and dying, and those living with mental illness.

The relevant Objects or Aims from AHW’s Articles of Association are:

  • To provide relief to distressed persons
  • To provide a mission to the sick and terminally sick
  • To assist in the relief of the problems of mental illness

AHW currently supports the work of the Tasmanian church in a variety of ways:

  • Supporting a mission to the sick and terminally ill, especially through providing funds to employ chaplains at hospitals, aged care facilities and in the prison system.
  • Enhancing the church’s capacity to give aid to people living in distressed circumstances, particularly through distributing small grants to parishes for emergency relief, as well as through Anglicare and our chaplains. Several parishes have received larger grants for projects which address need and are as diverse as a one-off community barbeque, or a regular breakfast program for secondary school students.
  • Channelling funds granted by the Colin Bisdee Trust, Clarendon Children and other external entities to parishes and church organisations.
  • Making provision for the Diocese’s Pastoral Support and Assistance Scheme, assisting victims of abuse.
  • Acting as a tax-deductible gift recipient for parishes which want to set up a tax-deductible fund for worthwhile projects which align with AH&W’s objects.

AHW is enthusiastic about exploring new ways to make a real difference to the lives of Tasmanians through the strategic use of income and by providing tax-deductible status for appropriate parish projects. Parishes interested in looking at the possibilities are invited to make initial contact with the Executive Officer Mr. Luke Campton.

AHW’s affairs are managed by a Board with eight members. The Bishop, the Right Revd Dr Richard Condie, is Chair and he makes three appointments: a GP, Dr Liz Banham, the Revd Chris Bowditch, and Dr. Ruth Amos . Anglicare Tasmania makes one appointment, currently Mrs Margaret Savage. Two members are appointed by Diocesan Council: the Revd Rob Imberger and Ms Georgina McLagan. Mr James Oakley is a Director as Diocesan Treasurer. The Board’s Executive Officer is Mr Luke Campton.