Encouraging, supporting and promoting Tasmanian writers and stories.

Welcome to TasWriters, where writers connect for the latest information on Tasmania’s literary scene, get updates on events and find support. We are here to help, whatever your query.


  • Supports, develops and promotes Tasmanian writers at all stages of their careers;
  • Offers a hub for the dissemination of advice, information and resources, supporting a network of flourishing writers’ groups across the State;
  • Develops and strengthens links within and beyond the sector using cooperative programs with other organisations;
  • Maintains a database of writers willing to present workshops, courses and talks in schools, TAFE, UTAS, libraries and migrant services

TasWriters is proud to join with Libraries Tasmania to celebrate Tasmania Reads Week!

TasWriters members enjoy benefits like discounts on tickets to events, promotion of their book launches or activities and the Members-only newsletter which features a curated list of paying opportunities for writers.
Membership is open – join here!

Sign Up For Our Free Newsletter

TasWriters free monthly newsletter contains workshops, events and literary news for the Tasmanian community! We are committed to your privacy and will never pass on your contact information for any reason to any third party.

Writers Database

The Tasmanian Writers Centre enjoys supporting our state’s highly active literary community and its impressive pool of established and published authors. Explore this database to learn about some of the standout literary talent in Tasmania.


TasWriters provides promotion of Tasmanian writers’ work through our monthly News & Events newsletter and Facebook page. This service is free for members and $25 for non members. If you are a Tasmanian writer with a work or event you would like help promoting, please email us at arianne@taswriters.org.

Become a Member

TasWriters welcomes new members any time and we are pleased to announce that our new membership system is up and going so you can join by clicking the icon above, which will transfer you to our membership page.