Getting married can be a very fulfilling experience, but it can be challenging. Spouses feel cherished when their physical needs in marriage are met. This article will teach married couples how to identify and meet each other’s critical physical needs to create a foundation for a happy union.
A family is a place where minds come in contact with one another. If these minds love one another, the home will be as beautiful as a flower garden. But if these minds get out of harmony with one another, it is like a storm that plays havoc with the garden.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of human needs
Abraham Maslow was the first to define the “hierarchy of needs” theory, which explains that human needs are arranged in a hierarchy. Maslow opined that people are motivated by physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem, and self-actualisation needs.
- Physiological needs are the lowest level of human needs. It includes food, water, shelter, and sleep.
- Safety needs include security and protection from harm.
- Love and belonging needs include things like companionship and intimacy.
- Esteem needs involve feeling respected and valued.
- Self-actualisation is the highest level of needs. It means reaching one’s full potential.
4 Physical needs in marriage
Sometimes one spouse may need more than the other to feel happy and content. However, the everyday physical needs in marriage include the following.
- Affection
- Sexual fulfilment
- Recreational companionship
- Domestic support
1. The need for affection in marriage
Affection is the need for couples to feel loved and appreciated. It’s about communicating your love to your partner in a non-sexual manner. Examples include holding hands, cuddling, kissing and giving gifts. You can also show affection by sharing love notes, cards and flowers.
It is ideal for couples to exchange gifts to celebrate birthdays and special anniversaries.
Unfortunately, after a few years of being together, couples usually drift into a relationship void of affection. A husband’s love for his wife can send the following messages: I care about you.
2. The need for sexual fulfilment in marriage
Sexual fulfilment is both a physical and emotional need. Sex is a profound need of husbands in marriage. That has to do with the higher sex drive of men driven by testosterone. So, men are aroused and more visually stimulated by the physical features of their partners during intercourse.
Also, there are different motivations for sexual participation in men and women. For example, men engage in sex to satisfy their cravings. On the other hand, women are usually more interested in intimacy and emotional connection.
When spouses know what turns each other on, they will likely experience a more fulfilling sex life together.
It’s also important to show interest in your partner–intimacy isn’t just about sex. Being there for your spouse when they need you is essential for a happy marriage.
3. Domestic support and family commitment
Domestic support requires spouses to help with household chores/management tasks. That helps create a sense of partnership in the relationship and can make day-to-day life more manageable.
One of the most common needs of women is a strong family commitment. That means the spouses’ willingness to have children together—also, dedication to their children’s moral and educational development. Activities include eating family meals together and engaging in family sporting activities.
Many husbands must be willing to help around the house more often or take on additional parenting responsibilities to demonstrate family commitment. Learning how to train and discipline children correctly is a critical skill that parents must master. If you have children, be consistent in their discipline and avoid favouritism.
4. Quality time and recreational companionship
Quality time is vital to keeping a solid marriage. By investing quality time into their relationship, couples can get to know each other better and create shared experiences and memories.
The wise saying goes, “a couple that plays together stays together.” Couples must schedule time together to engage in joint activities they love. Then, when both partners have their activities and interests, they can come back together refreshed and invigorated.
The Policy of Undivided Attention encourages couples to schedule quality time together, whether in sports, recreation or hobbies. By doing this, they can maintain a healthy balance in their relationship.
Spouses who constantly engage in separate leisures may be sabotaging their marriage.
How to discover and meet the physical needs of your spouse
Step 1: Understand the different needs in a relationship.
To meet the needs of your spouse, you need first to understand what their needs are. Different people have different values, which can impact a relationship. In addition, your physical needs will vary from person to person. Your requirements will also change as you grow and learn more about yourself.
Both partners must be willing to compromise and communicate regularly.
Step 2: Communicate with your spouse about what needs are most important to you.
It is essential to communicate your needs to your spouse directly. You can better understand your partner and make the relationship easier by asking them what they need. Communication is key to a happy relationship. Be honest and ask for what you need without expecting anything in return.
It is best to communicate when you are calm and not in distress.
Step 3: Make an effort to meet your spouse’s needs.
It’s essential to make an effort to understand and meet your spouse’s needs. By doing so, you can improve the overall quality of your relationship. Meeting each other’s needs can be challenging but essential for a healthy marriage. Your relationship is at risk if your spouse is not meeting your emotional needs. Therefore, making an effort to meet your spouse’s needs can improve your marriage.
Step 4: Seek professional help if you have difficulty meeting your spouse’s needs.
If you are having difficulty meeting your spouse’s needs, it is best to talk to them about it. Understanding their perspective and what they need from you can be helpful. It is also essential to look at where you may need to change. For example, suppose your spouse is having difficulty meeting your needs.
In that case, you should seek professional help.
What common relationship problems can occur when physical needs in marriage are unmet?
If a person’s basic needs are unmet in a marriage, it can lead to problems. For example, if someone’s physiological or safety requirements are unmet, they may feel anxious or stressed. If someone’s love/belonging needs are unmet, they may feel lonely or isolated. And if someone’s esteem needs are unmet, they may feel disrespected or unvalued.
These negative emotions can lead to relationship problems such as marital conflicts, cheating, or even break-up.
It is often unrealistic and unhealthy to expect one’s spouse to meet all one’s needs. Needs are a source of vulnerability. Unmet needs can harm your relationships.
Couples have a few critical physical needs in marriage. These desires help create and maintain a happy and healthy relationship when met. However, sometimes one spouse may need more than the other to feel comfortable and content.
The critical physical needs in marriage include the following.
- Affection
- Sexual fulfilment
- Recreational companionship
- Domestic support
Are you and your husband on the same page regarding your physical needs?
Which of the above physical needs are essential to you or your spouse?
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